Write me an essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Language Behind Dawkins’ Selfish Gene Theory :: Science Selfish Gene Theory Essays
The Language Behind Dawkins’ Selfish Gene Theory As indicated by Michael Polanyi, our comprehension of an idea depends to some degree on the language we use to depict it. Connie Barlow's book, From Gaia to Selfish Genes, takes a gander at representations in science as basic pieces of some new natural speculations. One model is Richard Dawkins' hypothesis about the childish quality, where he asserts that the most fundamental unit of humankind, the quality, is a narrow minded element unto itself that exists outside the domain of our individual great and fills its own particular need. Dawkins takes a gander at the developmental procedure, how DNA duplicates in shaping human life, and the likelihood that there is a social corresponding to hereditary qualities, where human characteristics can be socially transmitted. Dawkins, in the extracts that Barlow has picked, utilizes vigorously allegorical language to disclose these logical ideas to the overall population. In any case, the language that Dawkins utilizes, while intriguing, likewis e conveys some negative ramifications that reach out past his hypothesis. The narrow minded quality hypothesis has numerous positive angles, however its analogies reduce in specific ways from the logical message of Richard Dawkins. The illustration behind Dawkins' hypothesis can best be depicted by his initial proclamation: we are endurance machines-robot vehicles indiscriminately customized to safeguard the narrow minded atoms known as qualities (Barlow 193). Dawkins joins the characteristic conduct of oblivious lots of nucleic corrosive (qualities) to human conduct and character by calling them egotistical. His utilization of this term invokes the picture of a different individual, fit for settling on choices to assist its with possessing great and ignoring our requirements. By calling individuals endurance machines and robots, Dawkins recommends some genuine good ramifications with respect to our reality. In the event that we were simply robots, doubtlessly we would be not, at this point answerable for our activities, as individuals could credit all malice to the quality software engineers who made these robots. Likewise, if our main role were to fill in as an endurance machine for something different, life would appear to be unimportant. John Maynard Smith composes that Dawkins' book is just about advancement, and not about ethics . . . or then again about the human sciences (195). Be that as it may, the endeavor to withdraw the childish quality hypothesis from its ethical ramifications is genuinely subverted by Dawkins' similitudes. The root of the egotistical quality, and of development itself, started in something Dawkins calls the antiquated soup, where protein particles, by unadulterated possibility, fortified together to frame replicators, the predecessors of DNA (198).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Write a College English Paper
How to Write a College English PaperIf you want to know how to write a college English paper, then you will have to know the format that should be followed. This type of writing will be written with a lot of formal structures, so you have to make sure that you are well versed in this style of writing. This article will help you understand how to write a college English paper according to the type of paper that you are writing.The first part of the essay is the Introduction. This is where you begin by telling us about yourself and what you have to say. Most people will begin their introduction by stating their name, the name of the school, and the year that they took the course.The next part of the essay is the thesis statement, which is the content of the paper. The thesis statement is also known as the central idea or theme of the paper, and it is very important.Writing the conclusion will be your last section of the essay. Here, you will wrap up your arguments. You should close you r paper with an A-B-C format. Here, you start with the A and then you finish your argument with the B and finally you conclude with the C.Writing the language and style will be very different from writing essays for other courses. Instead of writing style being conversational, it will be formal. Your writing style should follow the style of the discipline that you are writing for.As a writer, you should also be familiar with the writing styles that are used in the field. This is very important because you will be trying to understand the exact style and conventions that are to be used when writing a college English paper.In this article, I am not going to teach you how to write a college English paper. That is something that you can find out on your own. All I am going to do is tell you how to write a college English paper according to the type of paper that you are writing.Hopefully, you learned something from this article. I hope that you learn something new about the style of wri ting a college English paper. The next time that you need to write a college paper, you will be able to start on the right foot.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Raymond Carvers Cathedral Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Raymond Carvers Cathedral - Essay Example ed powerless and plain and was in any event, fearing their gathering following his wife’s request after a short connection which opens a totally new situation in his life. The foregrounding of seeing over looking is the author’s focal point of core interest. This is all around exhibited through a juxtaposition of the two related however meaningfully unique methods for finding out and securing information and understanding into various marvels. Truly, the hosts who are made out of the storyteller and his better half can see as they have completely useful visual perception. Their visitor for the night who is called Robert then again is a visually impaired single man straight from the grieving of his significant other Beulah who died subsequent to experiencing episodes of malignant growth. It is through the dynamism of the storyteller that the creator effectively figures out how to draw out the qualification among seeing and looking. The storyteller obviously depicts the image of an individual with eyes yet incidentally can't see. He at first uses his capacity to see as an extraordinary quality that makes him more significant than the visually impaired visitor they hope to have for the evening. As indicated by Carver’s Cathedral, the storyteller rapidly summarizes the pitiable look of Robert attesting how curious his eyes looked with glasses rather than conceals. In his creative mind, a lady wedded to him resembled subjugation to distress particularly the idea of not being seen by an outwardly incapacitated man. Notwithstanding, with his completely utilitarian feeling of sight, the storyteller can't depict the structure of a house of prayer appeared on the TV to Robert with whom they are viewing. It is then that Robert requests a pen and a paper and requests that he draw what he was seeing as the visually impaired man’s hands followed the development of his own. He is later approached to take a stab at drawing with eyes shut which he capably does. On completing, Robert requests that he open his eyes and take a gander at the drawing yet the storyteller wonders about the masterful creation with his eyes shut shouting that he had never
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay about North by Northwest, by Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock’s film North by Northwest (1959) is famed as a classic man-on-the-run thriller, following protagonist Roger Thornhill as he flees across state lines in a mad dash to save his life and unravel the mystery to his extraordinary predicament. However, mid-way through the film Thornhill’s quandary is further complicated by the introduction of Eve Kendall, a beautiful yet mysterious woman he encounters on a train during his escape from the authorities and people trying to kill him. During the dining room scene on the train, Hitchcock expertly uses the camera to convey the characters thoughts and feelings. Interestingly, in a film that has several sequences with complicated cinematography and editing, the dining car scene is†¦show more content†¦Once the flirtations between the two in intensify, Hitchcock transitions into using close shots, beginning when Eve discloses her bribe arranging Thornhill being seated with her, and her subsequent reveal that she knows Thornhill wanted for murder. The use of the close shot provides a better, more intimate view of their expressions as they banter back and forth and the sexual innuendos ramp up. Thornhill’s thoughts are particularly evident across his face as he changes from showing interest in the attractive woman across from him, to tension at being recognized by her, to unabashed glee at the prospect of sleeping with same said beautiful woman, and finally to alarm as he learns police are boarding the train. In contrast to Thornhill’s expressive looks, Hitchcock shows Eve’s as being more controlled and understated. Throughout her linguistic dance with Thornhill, Eve manages to maintain an air of surety about herself, revealing only those pieces of information that she wants him to know. She manages to exude a sense of cool certainty and control during arguably the most sexually suggestive moment of the film: in the only profile shot of the scene, the camera shows Eve as she slowly blows out the flame on the match Thornhill uses to light her cigarette, clasping his hand as she does so. This aura of calm calculation gives the sense that she is in complete control, no doubt dueShow MoreRelatedComparative Analysis Of Vertigo, North By Northwest And Notorious By Alfred Hitchcock1348 Words  | 6 PagesComparative Analysis of Vertigo, North by Northwest and Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock The British master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, made the cinematographic history by the unique auteur approach. His own vision of the story, uncommon manner of shooting, and challenging ideas formed his style and made him recognizable. The genius of the 50’s and 60’s, he provided the rich legacy for the future generations and set the pace for the directors all over the world. This paper is going to trace theRead MoreAlfred Hitchcock s Psychological Pressure, Mystery, And Wit1430 Words  | 6 PagesAlfred Hitchcock is known as one of the greatest directors in the history of cinema. Hitchcock directed over fifty films, many of which remain popular to this day, including his stunning works Vertigo, North by Northwest, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Psycho. Hitchcock’s use of suspense, psychological pressure, mystery, and wit intrigued the audiences of his day as well as audiences of the 21st century. These elements of Hitchcock’s films have also inspired the genre of horror films that many knowRead MoreThe Influences Of Alfred Hitchcock On Wes Craven2961 Words  | 12 PagesNicholas Storm Kimberly Neuendorf COM 320 History of Film October 15, 2015 The Influences of Alfred Hitchcock on Wes Craven By Nicholas Storm The Horror Genre?s contemporaries today include Eli Roth, John Carpenter, George Romero and Clive Barker to name a few but the most notable above them all, with more contributions out of any other director was Wes Craven. With a plethora of films he has created, Craven is most known for 3 in particular for helping redefine the horror genreRead MoreComparing The Casino Royale Book And Movie Comparison1162 Words  | 5 PagesEmpire). Another film in which we can observe the main stages of the development of spy genre is â€Å"North by Northwest†filmed by Alfred Hitchcock. North by Northwest deals with espionage, controlling mothers and duplicitous lovers, all strong narrative motifs of the Hitchcock oeuvre as a whole. This film was, probably, the first work shot in spy genre with the outright comedy. In the â€Å"North by Northwest†the director in amazing way managed to combine the emotional tension of the audience from the filmRead More Film Autuerism Essay1302 Words  | 6 Pagesby a certain director. In auteur films, the director is many times what brings an audience to the theater, instead of the actors or storyline. I am going to take a look at three of the most noted auteurs: Frederico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, and Alfred Hitchcock. I watched five of Frederico Fellini’s films: La Dolce Vita, 8-1/2, Juliet of the Spirits, La Strada, and City of Women. In all of these films, I noticed Fellini’s enormous use of imagery, which of course he is most noted for. However, IRead MoreAlfred Hitchcock s True Sense Essay1625 Words  | 7 Pagescertain familiarity yet suspense while watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie. In true sense – Alfred Hitchcock was an Auteur. Alfred Hitchcock was a film director and producer, who at times was also referred to as The Master of Suspense. He pioneered many elements of the suspense and psychological thriller genres. He had a successful career in British cinema with both silent films and early talkies and became renowned as England s best director. Hitchcock moved to Hollywood in 1939 and became a US citizenRead More Hitchcocks North By Northwest: The Birth of the Modern Action Film1742 Words  | 7 Pagesall directed their first films, thus establishing the Frenc h New Wave. In Italy, Fellini created the elegant La Dolce Vita, and Antonioni gave us L’avventura. Most importantly, though, in America, famed British director Alfred Hitchcock gave us the classic thriller North by Northwest, the father of the modern action film. Throughout the history of filmmaking, many different genres have thrived such as the romantic comedy, giving us such classics as Bringing up Baby and His Girl Friday. The war filmRead MoreAlfred Hitchcock Comparison Paper1511 Words  | 7 Pagespaper, I have decided to compare two Hitchcock films. Ever since I can remember, I have seen Alfred Hitchcock films; Psycho, The Birds, North by Northwest, I enjoy his work because I like the suspense, and visual effects that he was able to accomplish. Out of all of his films, I believe that my favorite Hitchcock films would have to be Rear Window (1954) and Vertigo (1958), because I think that the two incorporate everything that is â€Å"Alfred Hitchcock†. Hitchcock films are known for being mysteriousRead MoreRole of Violence in the History of Cinema987 Words  | 4 PagesViolence plays a major role in the history of cinema. Both Alfred Hitchcock and Quentin Tarantino have produced a litany of films that have imagery or plots t hat include violent acts. However, their different directorial visions and styles make it so that Hitchcock and Tarantino films are nothing alike. This is because Hitchcocks objective was to make the audience feel afraid, tense, and anxious for the protagonist, whereas Tarantinos objective is to illustrate the absurdity of violence by elevatingRead MoreReflection Of Casablanca1282 Words  | 6 Pagesway I look at films in general has developed. A reflection on two of the films from this term, Casablanca (Curtiz, 1942) and North by Northwest (Hitchcock, 1959) will carry the bulk of the essay. Though, I will also be discussing how this class changed the way I saw a movie just a few weeks ago. Casablanca’s script and acting are of particular caliber, and North by Northwest unfortunately does not deliver with the dialogue and casting of lead actor Cary Grant. Though, overall, they both have merit
Friday, May 15, 2020
Donatello Art - 840 Words
Short Biography profile and facts about the life of the Sculptor Donatello The following biography information provides basic facts and information about the life and history of Donatello a famous Medieval character of the Middle Ages: Nationality: Italian Also Known as : Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi Lifespan: 1386 - 1466 Date of Birth: He was born in 1386, the exact date of birth is unknown Family connections : He was the son of Nicolo di Betto Bardi, a wool merchant in Florence Career: Donatello was apprentice to Ghiberti in Florence One of his patrons was Cosimo de Medici. Date of Death: Donatello died on December 13, 1466 Accomplishments or why Donatello was famous: Italian sculptor of the early Renaissance period. The†¦show more content†¦During that period he carved several prophets for the Florentine Campanile, including the Zuccone (Baldhead), a vibrant characterization. In 1430-32, he went to Rome with Brunelleschi and became one of the first Renaissance artists interested in ancient monuments. Reflections of classical putti (male infants) can be found in his rendering of the lively cherubs in the Singing Gallery (1433-38, cathedral mus.) and in the pulpit at Prato. Classical influence is also evident in his bronze David (c.1432, Bargello), one of the earliest freestanding nude figures of the Renaissance. In demand throughout Italy, Donatello was invited to Padua in 1443, where he stayed for 10 years as the head of an enormous workshop. He designed the equestrian statue of Gattamelata (1447-53) and the high altar for Sant Antonio (1446-50). Upon his return to Florence, he carved the acut ely expressive Magdalen (c.1460?, baptistery), which was greatly damaged by the flood of 1966. In his last years he worked on the pulpits of San Lorenzo, creating a magnificent series of reliefs. He was one of the most influential painters and sculptors of his time. Most of his works have remained in Florence, but a good representation can be seen in Londons Victoria and Albert Museum. Two examples of his work can be found in American collections, an unfinished David (National Gall. of Art, Washington, D.C.) and the Shaw Madonna (BostonShow MoreRelated Donatellos David Essay1427 Words  | 6 PagesDonatellos David Donatello was one of the most important and influential artists of the fifteenth century. As a master artist, he sculpted some of the most beautiful pieces of the Italian Renaissance. His innovations impacted many artists of his time, and set the standard for centuries of sculptors to follow. Donatello’s style is clearly defined and easily recognized in nearly all of his pieces. An exception is the bronze, David, dated 1425-1430. David strays from the traditional style ofRead MoreRenaissance vs Baroque1497 Words  | 6 Pagesstudy, and searched for realism and human emotion in art  Florentine painters led byMasaccio strove to portray the human form realistically, developing techniques to render perspective and light more naturally Renaissance could be viewed as an attempt by intellectuals to study and improve the secular and worldly, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought. During the Renaissance, money and art went hand in hand. Artists depended totally on patronsRead MoreArt And Its Impact On Art Essay1023 Words  | 5 Pagestime is spent studying the various arts. Art is often viewed by the people of our world as â€Å"a waste of time†or â€Å"pointless†, as it does not have any constructive application in most of their lives needs. But art is the exact opposite. It allows us to expand our minds and learn more about ourselves and the world around us. People express their creative skills and imagination through art, and others appreciate their artwork for its beauty or emotional power. Art defines what it means to be humanRead MoreJohannes Gutenberg and Donatello:Two Important Figures of the Ranaissance643 Words  | 3 Pagesliterature and music. Two figures that impacted this period in numerous ways were Johannes Gutenberg and Donatello. Donatello was an early renaissance Italian sculptor who lived in florence. Johannes Gutenberg was a printer and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. These two figures had effects on Science/Technology, effects on art, and effects on culture/society. Donatello and Johannes Gutenberg are two figures with opposing views that profoundly challenged and shaped politicalRead MoreThe Radical Change During The Renaissance Of A Young Boy With Unconvincing Looks As A Hero1566 Words  | 7 Pagesnotorious work of art? With one glance at the statue, would you believe that this young man could have slain a giant? The story of David and Goliath was very prevalent at the time, and during this period in history, it was commissioned by Cosimo de’ Medici to represent the city of Florence. Florence wanted to show this representation of David through his strength, courage, and youthful confidence in its city. So, dating back to the 1440s, David was a prominent aspect of Renaissance art. The radical changeRead More Donatello Essay example1380 Words  | 6 PagesDonatello Donatello’s real name is Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (1386-1466). Donatello was a master of sculpture in bronze and marble and was one of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists of his time. A lot is known about his life and career but little is known about his character and personality. He never married and seems to be a man of simple tastes. Patrons often found him hard to deal with and he demanded a lot of artistic freedom. The inscriptions and signatures on his works areRead MoreThe Second Set of Doors at the Baptistery1277 Words  | 6 Pagesguild decided to erect a second set of bronze doors showing scenes from the Old Testament. As with most large commissions at that time, a competition was held to find the artist who could create exactly what the guild was looking for in this work of art. Seven of the best sculptors in Tuscany were given one year to complete a panel showing the Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac. However, the real competition was betw een Filippo Brunelleschi, the future architect of the Cathedral’s dome, and Lorenzo GhibertiRead MoreComparsion of Three Renaissance Paintings and Sculptures Essay1210 Words  | 5 Pagesare of the same subject, but are portrayed completely differently by two different artists. â€Å" Whereas Brunelleschi’s piece demonstrates an artist aching to forge a new and more powerful vision of reality, Ghiberti demonstrates masterful perfection of art, as remarkable in its own way for the tie and place and age of the artist as is the work of his rival†[Walker 23]. The judges had a hard time choosing between these two artists and in the end they choose they were both amazing pieces and consideredRead More Tolstoys Philosophy of Art Essay533 Words  | 3 PagesTolstoys Philosophy of Art Tolstoy approaches art with a very specific and narrow view of what is real and what is counterfeit in classifying artwork and what makes a work of art good or bad. Tolstoy believes that a work of art can be classified as real if and only if one man consciously by means of certain external signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that others are infected by these feelings and also experience them (10). He believes that art can only be definedRead MoreThe Renaissance Era1529 Words  | 6 PagesRenaissance Era took place for a time period that lasted for approximately 150 years and during that time significant changes took place. These changes were with the Arts, Literature, Fashion, and ideals. â€Å"The entire age can be subdivided into three phases: from 1350 to 1400 during which discovery of ancient texts and experimentation with new art forms took place; 1400 to 1500 typified by political stability in the Italian city-states and the creation of recognizable cultural; and 1500 to 1550 dominated
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Personal Strengths And Weaknesses - 916 Words
When I think of my personal strengths and weaknesses in school, finding the time to study, always seems to fall on the weaker side. I find myself knowing when I can study and focus the best but rarely following through with studying during those times. My major strength has always been my motivation once I begin. I can sit down to do a project with the intention of finishing it within that single sitting. I become extremely focused and efficient to complete the project or finish the goal I have set for myself. The problem is that I don’t often sit down in a quiet environment to focus on the work needing done. For example, I will sit down to do chemistry homework late at night because I procrastinate it all day; instead of getting up before my morning class and doing it when I am more alert and better able to focus. The time management project opened my eyes to all the improvements that I can make to how I can better manage my time. My personal study habits consisted of sitting down at my dining room table with my laptop. I normally try to write all of my notes down on paper and go back through to highlight important information. When I am sitting down to study it is normally after a day of classes with about 4 or more people sitting in my living room with me. We all try to get our homework done but soon after starting one or two want to stop and just talk. If I’m not studying in my dining room I sometimes try to hide out in my room to get quiet and focus on typing any papersShow MoreRelated My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay792 Words  | 4 Pageslearning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses.      One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well-organized individual. I tend toRead MorePersonal Statement : My Strengths And Weaknesses863 Words  | 4 Pagesevaluate my listening skills, assess my strengths and weaknesses, and describe how I can improve my skills. My listening self-assessment score of 36 indicates that, although my skill level is decent, I have room to improve significantly. I regularly attend professional meetings where either informational listening or critical listening is required. Despite this, I consider my listening skills subpar and am aware of my need for improvement. In understanding how I can improve, I must first assess my strengthsRead MorePersonal Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Working Style1450 Words  | 6 PagesDiscuss your working style, including two personal strengths and two personal weaknesses that relate to your working style. My working style very from job too job but I think and and can be summed up by saying that I am extremely dependable and flexible. I rarely miss a day of work; in the last three years I have missed one day of work and that was related a serious family matter. Also I am on time regardless of the event. Being punctuate is appreciated by most but if you are attendingRead MoreMy Personal Strengths and Weaknesses in Netball Essay1696 Words  | 7 PagesI consider are my strengths and weaknesses for Netball and why I think each one is a strength or weakness. Strengths Weaknesses Shooting Shoulder Pass Bounce Pass Chest Pass Pivoting Footwork High-running Pass Reaction Time Agility Speed Strengths: Strength 1: Shooting is one of my strengths as I think I perform it correctly. By correctly I mean having a balanced position (standing with my feet shoulder widthRead MoreEssay about My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses for a Career725 Words  | 3 Pagescannot do will alter what employers and positions there are for you. Throughout my higher education at Full Sail University, I have been able to overcome weaknesses that I have and raised other strengths beyond what I thought I could. Matching what you are good at and not so good at can help shape what your life path will be. Looking deeper into my personal capabilities, I have discovered three strengths and three weaknesses that I have and I’m working on eliminating or improving. If you are not goodRead MorePersonal Strengths and Weaknesses1028 Words  | 5 PagesAn individuals personal strengths and weaknesses are life learning experiences and we all as human beings have different levels strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a persons strengths and weaknesses may seem very difficult to discuss at times. No one ever wants to admit that they have wea knesses because they are feel ashamed or embarrassed to let others to know that their weaknesses exist. It is best for a person to really know himself or herself in order to accurately evaluate the areas thatRead MorePersonal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay781 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Strengths and Weaknesses I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would haveRead MoreStrengths and Weaknesses898 Words  | 4 Pagesthis paper is to show you the personal strengths and weakness that I identified by asking friends and family their opinion on the topic regarding yours truly, and by examining myself for areas that I am really good at (also known as strengths) and areas I need to improve (otherwise known as weaknesses). After I have identified them, I will tell you how recognizing my strengths and weakness can help me to improve myself to achieve a more peaceful and satisfying personal life. I will start withRead MoreStrengths and Weaknesses Essay844 Words  | 4 PagesStrengths and Weaknesses Throughout the Mid-SEE I have written reflections on my writing and participated in group activities. I have received comments back from my peers and suggestions to help with revising my paper. With the help of my professor, Professor Church and my classmates, I was able to comprehend their suggestions to me to make my essay better and by revising my classmate’s essays, I was able to point out mistakes that I might have made in my essay, which made myself go back to myRead More Strengths and Weaknesses Essay900 Words  | 4 Pagesthis paper is to show you the personal strengths and weakness that I identified by asking friends and family their opinion on the topic regarding yours truly, and by examining myself for areas that I am really good at (also known as strengths) and areas I need to improve (otherwise known as weaknesses). After I have identified them, I will tell you how recognizing my strengths and weakness can help me to improve myself to achieve a more peaceful and satisfying personal life. I will start with the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Neoliberalism The American Welfare State †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Neoliberalism The American Welfare State? Answer: Introducation The government for drug testing chooses the Canterbury-Banks town of Sydney to benefit the welfare recipients. This area is chosen as it is highly affected by drug problem, which is evident from the data that shows an increased amount of hospital admission due to the methamphetamine usage (Drugabuse.gov, 2017). Australias Prime Minister, has stated that it will bring in cashless welfare cards. The reason behind this drug testing organization is to spread love and compassion. The vision behind this regime is to create a welfare atmosphere and to restrict people from getting addicted to drugs. It is done with an intention to help people suffering in this situation (Abc.net.au, 2017). According to academician Lawrence M.Mead, a paternalistic welfare reform aims in creating a welfare state. It focuses on making people more disciplined to live a health life. The aim is to create a proper way of lifestyle for recipients by making them eligible to earn their living (Mead, 2012). The drug test policy as advocated by the government will curb welfare recipients from drug intake. A drug test policy will promote a paternalistic welfare reform in the society by encouraging people to live a healthy, meaningful life and in being responsible citizen. The two advantages of benefit payment to drug testing are firstly, the employees will be provided with a basic card on passing a test positively. This will limit their cash withdrawal to check their drug dosage. Secondly, this will give a support to the jobseekers looking for employment. The companies in which, drug testing is mandatory the employee needs to pass through the test. The company shall bear this cost provided the employee passes the test (Communitylaw.org.nz, 2017). The two potential costs are firstly, it is costly for the companies to conduct drug test of their employees because if the jobseekers has to go for the test even before they learn to check it. It is important to provide them first with the requisite help in order to allow them to get a control over themselves. Secondly, if the employees past the drug test positively then the company pays the cost. This makes it clear that despite the cost, it is important to take measures in order to keep a control over the drug usage. The governments approach to this drug addiction and policy is mandatory. This policy and action is not evidence based yet its impact and significance cannot be neglected. There is no such scientific research that has been conducted for implementing such a policy but it is definitely based on data collected from the hospital admission due to over usage of drugs. The policy is implemented due to its detrimental effect on society based on social need, experience and demand from public. Hence, even if it is felt that the evidence in favor of such a reform is poor still this is essential for the betterment of society and individuals affected by this. References Abc.net.au. (2017). Retrieved 16 September 2017, from Sydney welfare recipients could face random drug tests as early as January. (2017). ABC News. Retrieved 16 September 2017, from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-22/welfare-recipients-could-face-drug-tests-as-early-as-january/8827288 Communitylaw.org.nz. (2017).Types of benefits - Community Law.Community Law. Retrieved 16 September 2017, from https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/chapter-6-dealing-with-work-and-income/types-of-benefits-chapter-6/ Drugabuse.gov. (2017). Retrieved 16 September 2017, from Methamphetamine. (2017). Drugabuse.gov. Retrieved 16 September 2017, from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/methamphetamine Mead, L. M. (2012). Neoliberalism, Race, and the American Welfare State.Perspectives on Politics,10(4), 982-984.
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